The use of GM foods is one of the hottest topics on the minds of health-conscious individuals across the world. Though this topic has just recently risen to the forefront of news topics, it is a process that has been implemented for years. As a society, we have been consuming these GM foods, unaware that they could be causing adverse health effects in our bodies.
What are GM Foods?
“GM foods” stands for “genetically modified foods” and are created through gene splicing, a technique that takes the DNA from different crop species and crosses them to form a genetically modified crop of vegetables, fruits, and grains. These crops are formed to be resistant to herbicides and to produce their own insecticides. These genetic engineering techniques were meant to give stronger, disease-resistant crops that were able to withstand drought and give a better yield.
Studies have proven that GM foods are not giving these results, and in fact, are offering no benefit to consumers.
The Dangers of GM Foods
In recent studies, rats were fed a steady diet of GM foods. In the female rat population, the infant rats had a higher death rate and were born much smaller than rats that were not fed GM foods. In male rates, the testicles turned from the normal pink color to blue and caused DNA damage to the sperm and to the embryo.
By consuming these GM foods, we are ingesting microRNA or (miRNA). This means that portions of the RNA from the genetically modified foods are floating around in our systems. They adhere to receptors in our livers and cause an increase in cholesterol. They also shut off certain gene productions and are in fact, gene regulators.
These foods have been known to play an increased role in:
- Cancer
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Diabetes
- Organ damage
- Reproductive problems
- And more
How to Avoid GM Foods
Avoiding GM foods in your diet can be difficult, since so many foods are being modified. Though difficult, it is not impossible to stay GM-free. You must first understand the main players in the GM foods game.
- Soy
- Corn
- Canola
- Cottonseed
- Sugar
These foods are the most popular crops for genetic modification. By avoiding these foods or buying organic, you can avoid consuming GM foods. There are several tips that can assist you in making sure that your diet is GM-free.
(1) Read your fruit and vegetable labels.
Fruits and vegetables that are grown in conventional manners have a four number code. Organic vegetables and fruit codes begin with nine. GM fruits and vegetables have five number codes that begin with five.
(2) Avoid sugar.
Sugar is now being created from GM crops and this sugar is being put into many of the foods we eat every day. Processed foods are full of GM foods and should be avoided.
(3) Buy organic.
Certified organic foods are your safest choice when it comes to purchasing non-GM foods.
(4) Buy from local farmers.
Talk with local farmers in your area and find out what crops they are growing. Since most GM crops come from massively produced farms, chances are that your locally grown produce is going to be GM-free.
Your health is vital to your wellbeing, so it is important to take the steps that you can to reduce disease in your body and avoid those foods that can cause health problems.
Along with eating healthier foods and avoiding GM foods, it is important to supplement your body with the needed nutrients that our diets are often missing. Experts recommend consuming superfoods in the diet to reduce and eliminate many of the diseases in our bodies. Our GreenEnergy, green superfood drink, is filled with these nutrients to help your body reclaim its health and vitality.