Put Out Stress
Are the mounting piles of folders on your desk, the incessant ringing of your phone, or the impending tight deadlines stressing you out? Although you may be happy to have a job, is the stress from job demands more than you can bear? It turns out more stress at work will mean more stress on your heart and on your health. A new study found that the effects of mid-life job stress can even carry on into old age.
According to a study done in Finland, people who experience more job stress have longer hospital stays in old age. The study published in Age and Aging followed 5,000 public sector employees for almost 30 years. Researchers identified two types of job-related stress.
- Mental stress includes those looming deadlines, packed schedules, and other pressures and demands related to work. This type of stress has been associated with heart disease.
- Physical stress from work refers to cardiorespiratory strain, such as physical exertion at work that causes sweating, breathlessness, and heart palpitations, or muscle strain, especially of the arms, legs, and back. This type of job stress can lead to irreversible conditions, such as osteoarthritis, pain, and immobility. The inability to move can further lead to problems with keeping a healthy weight and a healthy heart.
Stressed out? Work Out!
Physical activity is proven to combat stress. Although a jam-packed schedule may tempt you to neglect your workout, don’t forget it may actually help you work more efficiently. Don’t waste your workout. Fuel it with a high-quality protein shake that will keep your blood sugar stable. Fuel it with an EnergyFirst shake.
Get Adequate Sleep
Get enough sleep so that you can boost your mood and energy while staying mentally alert.
Relaxation and Breathing Techniques
Relaxed breathing can lead to a relaxed state of mind. Reduce tension by practicing breathing exercises that are simple and easy to learn. You can practice easy breathing exercises whenever and wherever you want.
One simple breathing technique is deep breathing. Focus on taking regular, deep breaths. This helps slow down breathing, reduce high blood pressure, and slow down an increased heart rate.
Did your last bout of stress leave your mind wandering off to a tropical island with a warm breeze, soft sand, and cool waves crashing in the background? Guided imagery may be the technique for you. Guided imagery, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation are all accessible ways to manage stress.
Manage Time Wisely
While it is important for you to make time for yourself and your needs, try not to procrastinate or put things off. Staying organized, reduce distractions, and commit to only as much as you can realistically accomplish.
Do You Have Job Stress?
Signs of job stress include headaches, trouble sleeping, difficulty concentrating, upset stomach, short temper, low morale, and job dissatisfaction.
If you experience any of the previously mentioned warning signs of job stress, consider applying the stress-relief strategies to protect your health. Job stress can impair your immune system and increase your risk of workplace injury. Managing stress will reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal disorders, and mental health problems.