Regulating hormones is not just for teenagers . . . let’s not forget about those hormones – balanced hormones leads to a happier, healthier, and better functioning body!
Here are five tips that can help keep your hormones in check:
1. Eat Sensibly to Balance your Insulin
Too many people across America are in the habit of skipping meals. For some, eating breakfast every day is inconvenient, for others skipping a meal is a means of losing weight. By choosing not to eat three nutritious meals a day you are automatically causing an insulin imbalance.
2. Increase Your Protein Intake
Each one of your hormones is constructed from amino acids, which are derived from proteins. From the sex hormones that are synthesized from egg yolk, to the happy hormone oxytocin that can be constructed from other proteins, your endocrine system relies on a well-balanced intake.
You can enhance your body’s ability to synthesize hormones by drinking an EnergyFirst Protein Shake.
3. Eliminate Refined Carbohydrates
While you do need a certain amount of carbohydrates to function, the types and amount you get can have a knock on effect on your hormones. Carbohydrates that are refined like white bread and processed sugars can send your hormones crazy. By kicking those carbohydrates that are bad, you can say goodbye to cravings and a sluggish metabolism.
Your main hunger hormone, ghrelin, can easily be balanced by taking on healthier carbs, such as wholegrains or bananas and balancing your meal with good fats and lean proteins.
4. Aim for a Colorful Five a Day
When it comes to getting your five a day fruits and vegetables, make sure you aim for a colorful selection. Adding deep green broccoli and spinach to your diet alongside bright red strawberries and dazzling blue berries will help you achieve the antioxidants needed to keep your hormones balanced.
A high and varied intake of antioxidants will help you slow the ageing process, and it will encourage your body to produce more endorphins. The more endorphins you produce, the happier you will feel.
5. Get Stuck into Healthy Fats
To many of us, fat is a word that we like to avoid like the plague. Unbeknown to many, there are fats that you should actively aim to add to your diet. Omega-3 fatty acids play a vital role in producing prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are the hormones responsible for producing an adequate inflammatory response when your body undergoes injury or infection, so enhancing their production is vital for fitness fanatics.
Healthy fats in the form of Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for enhancing the way your nervous system functions.
Did you know . . .